Thursday, September 2, 2010

Four Months Later

Four months – a third of a year – gone! I am increasingly aware of time – the finite-ness of it. Several of my friends died this summer, two former neighbors, a member of my book club and others whom I knew casually. I don’t mean to sound depressed or anything but this sucks! I want to scream at something or someone “WAIT! IT’S NOT TIME.”


We moved to this townhouse in July. Our big house was sold to a lovely woman who wanted a “grown up house.” We lost a lot of money on the property but given the economic realities of real estate, we felt lucky to get out with a little of our investment and so we took the advice of our NC realtor and friend Linda – “Accept the offer and get on with your lives.”

Our master plan revolves around paring down and simplifying. To do that, we needed to divest ourselves of the big property and all the equipment, time and effort to maintain it. (Check. Craig’s List turned out to be invaluable.) We plan to divide the year between the new cottage in North Carolina and this townhouse. Here are a few pictures.


Now that this living arrangement stuff is resolved, I’ll get back to writing about art. But I confess I haven’t had the interest or the heart for art lately. First, I haven’t seen anything in months that inspired much thoughtful exploration. And this moving business takes all the “creativity” I can muster and when I’m not plotting color, line and space, I’m thinking about…..forgiveness. What does it mean? Who reaps the benefit? Is it just a word that we’ve tossed around so long that we really don’t know what it means? Please help!

1 comment:

beverly mcinerny said...

Shirley I like to think of forgiveness in terms of compassion. Forgiveness seems to imply acceptance of the deed. After reading the Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler I felt much relieved to think in terms of compassion. Compassion for ourself as well as others leads to a sense of peace. Are your seeking forgiveness or are you struggling to forgive someone?